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About Us

About  Us
Owning a sports car is not a requirement for membership.  Enjoying them is!

The Mid Maine Sports Car Club began with an ad placed in the Camden Herald in June 2002 by Rockport residents and MG aficionados James and Barbara Lea, to invite fellow owners of British and European sports cars to gather at the park in Rockport Harbor. More than 30 cars—and their owners—showed up and the club was born. 


Over the years, membership has been opened up to enthusiasts of sports and touring cars from the rest of the world also, not simply Europe and Britain. Today the Mid Maine Sports Car Club has almost 200 members from all over the state and our activities calendar is humming. 

In season, we create events such as road rallies and tours to interesting sites all over Maine. In the winter months, we gather for Sunday luncheons at different restaurants. We also produce two annual public gatherings—the Camden Car Show on Labor Day weekend and another car show during the Camden Classics Cup sailing regatta in July.


The Mid Maine Sports Car Club also enthusiastically supports the Owls Head Transportation Museum in Rockland. Several members are museum volunteers and docents and, as a group, we take part in OHTM's annual Foreign Car Rendezvous each Fall. In recent years, our holiday party and AGM, annual general meeting, have taken place at OHTM as well.

Remember: Owning a sports or touring car is not a requirement for membership. Enjoying them is!

mom and dad summit 2003.jpg


President: Silvio Calabi

Vice President:  Bob McKay

Treasurer: John Freeman

Secretary: Sam Surprise

Registrar: Ian Marshall


​​Ed Avis
Silvio Calabi

John Freeman

Ian Marshall

Bob McKay

Sarah Rheault

Edmund Schultz

George Silvestri

Sam Surprise​

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